What Are the Benefits of Using Blip?

Blip is the perfect option for businesses of all sizes who want to take back control of their marketing from the algorithms, amplify their online presence, and break through the noise to attract more customers.


The founders at Blip saw a need to make billboard advertising accessible to all. 

Blip has revolutionized the industry by giving businesses of all sizes the chance to buy as much or as little digital billboard advertising space as they want, one "Blip" at a time.

  • Broadcast your message to thousands at a low cost per impression. Broadcast advertising (think TV, Radio and Billboards) have historically been expensive channels since they reach so many people at once. Blip changes that.

  • Break through the noise and avoid the tricky algorithms that come with online advertising media. With Blip, you can diversify your marketing strategy and give your online channels a boost.
  • Since Blip is self-serve, you can make changes and enable or disable your campaigns at any time.

  • By targeting specific times of day and certain days of the week, you only pay for space when it is most valuable to you.

  • The pay-per-display (pay-per-Blip) model means that you only pay when your ad displays on the billboard and when it makes sense for your budget.

You can easily advertise on multiple billboards across the country from one place.